Girls's Exercise: Cycle 12 – 90 Day Girls's Exercise Problem, Week 12, Day 2


These exercises are designed by Breaking Muscle founder Mindith Rahmat. Mindith is an RYT 500 Licensed Yoga Therapist, licensed CrossFit coach, and very long time health fanatic with intensive expertise in Russian kettlebells and body weight train.


The 90-Day Exercise Problem: New Yr, New You in 90 Days



The 90-Day Girls's Exercise Problem focuses on 5 actions: a big posterior chain motion, higher physique push, higher physique pull, a physique explosive motion, and an anterior chain or core motion. These complete physique exercises might be posted three days per week.


Gear wanted: kettlebells, barbell, pull up bar.


Week 12, Day 2


5×5 Barbell Field Squat

3×5 Pull Up

3×5 Kettlebell Alternating Ground Press

3×5 Kettlebell Renegade Row


5x 1 minute on 1 minute off Swing – Squat – Press


3x 10 Sluggish Counting Toes to Bar

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