Yoga Sequences, Cycle 6: Jivamukti-inspired Sequences, Week 8


EDITOR'S NOTE: Yoga Sequences are written by Breaking Muscle founder Mindith Rahmat. Mindith is an E-RYT 500 Licensed Yoga Therapist and Instructor. Mindith has studied underneath illuminating yoga lecturers together with, Joseph and Lillian LePage, Baron Baptiste, Bryan Kest, Shiva Rea, Rod Stryker, and not too long ago with Grasp Paulie Zink.


Jivamukti Yoga

The Jivamukti Yoga methodology and philosophy have been developed by co-founders Sharon Gannon and David Life. Jivamukti Yoga courses are normally accompanied by uplifting and highly effective music which improve the expertise of the yoga apply.



Jivamukti's philosophy is expressed by means of the 5 tenets of ahimsa, bhakti, dhyana, nada and shastra. The first 4 weeks of this program will encompass newbie sequences and the final 4 weeks will incorporate the Jivamukti methodology in flows. Maintain all poses for 5 breaths except in any other case indicated within the sequence.


Week Eight

Day One: Jivamukti Coronary heart-Opening Sequence

  • Jivamukti Magic Ten
  • Warrior 1
  • Warrior 2
  • Triangle
  • Warrior 2
  • Facet Angle
  • Pyramid
  • Lunge
  • Downward Canine
  • Plank
  • Chatarunga
  • Upward Canine
  • Downward Canine
  • Plank
  • Knees Chest Chin
  • Cobra
  • Downward Canine
  • Lunge
  • Ahead Bend *with shoulder launch, maintain 10 breaths
  • Standing Head to Knee Balancing Pose
  • Tree Pose
  • Yogis Squat with Twist
  • Standing Ahead Bend
  • Triangle
  • Revolved Triangle
  • Broad Legged Ahead Bend
  • Double Pigeon *proper aspect
  • Single Pigeon
  • King Pigeon
  • Downward Canine
  • Double Pigeon *left aspect
  • Single Pigeon
  • King Pigeon
  • Bow
  • Wheel
  • Comfortable Child
  • Star
  • Desk High
  • Shoulderstand
  • Plow
  • Fish
  • Reclined Twist
  • Savasana *10 minutes


Day Two: Full Jivamukti Religious Warrior Sequence

  • Jivamukti Magic Ten
  • Downward Canine – 10 breaths
  • Uttanasana – 10 breaths
  • Squat – 10 breaths
  • Teepee Twist – 5 breaths both sides
  • Ardha Matsyendrasana – 5 *breaths both sides
  • Desk High – 10 breaths
  • Handstand – 5 to 25 breaths
  • Standing Posture Alignment – 5 breaths
  • Standing Facet Bends – 4 breaths
  • Standing Spinal Roll – 16 breaths
  • 3x Surya Namaskar – Ashtanga A Collection
  • 1x Jivamukti A Collection
  • Standing Sequence:
  • Utkatasana (inhale) Uttanasana (exhale) Warrior I *proper aspect – 5 breaths
  • Warrior II – 1 breath Trikonasana – 5 breaths
  • Warrior II – 5 breaths
  • Prolonged Angle A – 5 breaths
  • Chin to Shin Parsvottanasana – 5 breaths
  • Lunge Standing spinal twist – 5 breaths
  • Ardha Matsyendrasana – 5 breaths
  • Ankle to Knee – 5 breaths
  • Lolasana
  • Dandasana-Upward Canine-Downward Canine
  • Repeat standing sequence *on left aspect
  • Seated straddle – 5 breaths
  • Lolasana (crossing left ankle over proper ankle)


Balancing Vasishthasana Sequence *Lolasana, leap again; exhale Chaturanga Dandasana; inhale Upward Canine; exhale Downward Canine; inhale Plank Pose; exhale onto the precise hand and out of doors of proper foot, lengthen left arm up Vasishthasana – 3 breaths; repeat on left aspect


  • Shalabhasana 5 breaths
  • Dhanurasana x2 5 breaths every
  • Roll over lie on the again Half Wheel – 5 breaths
  • Urdhva Dhanurasana – 3 instances, 5 breaths
  • Pull knees to chest – 5 breaths Reclining Eagle Twist – 5 breaths both sides
  • Pull knees to chest and rock from side to side to a seated positionForward Bending
  • Paschimottanasana – 15 breaths
  • Janu Shirshasana – 5 breaths both sides
  • Tarasana – 5 breaths
  • Shoulderstand Sequence * 5 minutes on total sequence or about 50 breaths:
  • Shoulderstand – 35 breaths
  • Halasana – 5 breaths
  • Karnapidasana – 5 breaths
  • Matsyasana – 5 breaths Roll over and push again into Baby's PoseHeadstand Sequence Spend 5 minutes or 50 breaths
  • Baby's Pose – 10 breaths
  • Meditation 5 minutes
  • Shavasana and Rest – 5-10 minutes

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